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Moonman's trueSpace ResoucesThis page contains links to resources supporting versions of Caligari's trueSpace. The collection started in 1998, and is no longer maintained. This is for archival purposes only.

Caligari's trueSpace was discontinued in 2009. Version 7.6 is available from cnet, for FREE. Earlier versions of the program are no longer sold, or supported. This includes plugin paks.

For more goodies, check out the thread called "Steinie's Helpful Links for Truespace" (located at United3dArtists forum). The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine is another great source, it has much of the "old" web archived, and should help dig up much of the missing content.

3D Plugins
free 4.X AddKF - creates keyframe (move/rotate/size) for each frame from spline-interpolated animation. The current object is copied.
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.1 AndyGFX realUVmap - Texture Mapping for Multiple Faces
free 4.3 Bevel library 1.0.0 - Save bevel presets
tS 6 Compatable
Free 3.X BMP sync 1.01 - Animation that synchronized to music
tS5 Compatible
free 4.X BVHImport - BVH motion file importer
Beta Don't Know Cacophony - Sound synchronization helper
free 6.X Colour roulette 1.0.0 - Generates random material colours
Sale 3.1 Coolpowers 2 - Suite of 12 Plug-ins (free with 3.2)
Sale 3.X Coolpowers 3 - Suite of 10 Plug-ins (full function in tS4)
Sale 4.3 Coolpowers 4 - Suite of 10 Plug-ins
Free 4.3 Coolpowers 4.1 - Suite of 13 Plug-ins
Free 3.X CopyEx 1.03 - Regular arrangement copy
tS5 Compatible
Sale Don't Know Creature Creator - Access Library of over 500 Body Parts
Free 4.1 Delete Face - function integrated into 4.2 (list of polygons, individual selection)
Free 4.X DelFace 1.01 - Elimination of face
Free 4.X Edge2Path 1.10 - Creates path from edge
tS5 Compatible
Demo 3.X etc. 1.0.3 - recursive object copier
tS5 Compatible
Demo 3.X F Animator 1.0.1 - Creating Animations Based on Mathematical Formulae
Free 4.X FaceMaster 1.12 - Face is grouped. The face of the same material is selected
tS5 Compatible
Demo 3.1 F Creator (XYZ Plot) 3.3.3 - Mathematical Object Creation (now with animation)
tS5 Compatible
Free 3.1 FrameSlider - animation Scroll bar
Free 4.X Fusion 1.00 - Fusion of 2 objects
Not Compatible with tS5
Free 5.X Fusion 1.01 - Fusion of 2 objects
Free Don't Know GM's Primitives 1.0 - Primitives panel
demo 4.1 IntrudeR 2.02 - Objects from Grayscale maps
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.X I/O Utilities 0.1
Free 4.X I/O Utilities 0.1
Demo 4.X Life Forms 3.5 - Imports motion data for animation
Free 6.X Light Color 1.02 - RGB colours for trueSpace lights
Free 4.X Light Man - retrieve and apply settings to multiple lights at the same time that were arranged in groups
tS5 Compatible tS6 Compatible
Free Don't Know LoadFromPicture - loading of object according to its picture
Free 4.X MagneticPath 1.01 - Creates path that fit on the surface of a polyhedron
Not Compatible with tS5
Free 5.X MagneticPath 1.02 - Creates path that fit on the surface of a polyhedron
Free 4.X MagneticVertex 1.01 - Vertices that fit on the surface of a polyhedron
Not Compatible with tS5
Free 5.X MagneticVertex 1.02 - Vertices that fit on the surface of a polyhedron
Free 3.X MeltMeshLE 1.00 - Creates the curved surface
Not Compatible with tS5
Free 5.X MeltMeshLE 1.00 - Creates the curved surface
Free 4.X Mirror Whole - completes symetrical objects from half
Free 4.3 Modelight 1.01 - Always front is illuminated
tS5 Compatible
free 5.x NSymmetry 0.1 - make symmetric nurbs objects
free 5.X NURBS Symmetry 0.8 - make symmetric nurbs objects
Free 4.X ObjController 1.00 - Forward-kinematics operation of hierarchical model
tS5 Compatible
Free Don't Know ObjectList - list of all objects of the scene (sorted or scene tree)
Free 4.X ObjRow 1.03 - The relative lineup of objects (alignment)
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.X PointClone 1.02 - Object is arranged in vertex position
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.3 PolyLock 1.02 - Polyhedron operation impossible
Not Compatible with tS5
Free 5.X PolyLock 1.03 - Polyhedron operation impossible
Sale 4.3 Pyrocluster - Particle emitters (fire, smoke, atom bomb, ...)
Free 6.0 Light Colour - RGB colours for trueSpace lights
Free 4.3 Rotoscope 1.02 - Rough sketch display
tS5 Compatible
Beta 4.3 Rounded Bevel v.1.0.2b
Free 4.3 ShapeClone 1.11 - The clone is rendered
tS5 Compatible
Demo Don't Know Shell 1.0.3 - Creates Hollow Shell Inside Selected Object
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.X Shiten 1.01 - View point is held
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.3 Simple Bisect v1.1 - adds new vertex at the center of selected edge of a polyhedron or subdivision object
Free 4.3 Simple Disect v1.1 - adds new vertex at the center of selected edge of a polyhedron or subdivision object
tS6.5 Compatible
Free 4.X SizeEx 1.12 - Expanded size change
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.3 SmoothRender 1.11 - Smooths at the render time
tS5 Compatible
Free Don't Know Solidify - converts imported models to solid objects
Free Don't Know SUKININ-KUN 1.00 - Pseudo-Skinning Tool (between multiple primitive polygons)
Demo 3.1 sunShine 1.1.0 - Realistic sun positioning according to place & time
Free 4.X taiShow 1.10 - Copy, Reversal, Paste of vertex position
Not Compatible with tS5
Free 5.X taiShow 1.10 - Copy, Reversal, Paste of vertex position
Free 4.X ToonEdge 1.10 - The outline like a cartoon
Not Compatible with tS5
Free 5.X ToonEdge 1.10 - The outline like a cartoon
Free 3.1 Trax - Reads Input from InterSense's InterTrax30 VR Motion Tracker (Use to Record "Real Time" Camera Motion)
Demo 3.X TreeDO 1.0.2 - Tree Creator (unstable in tS 4)
Beta 5.2 trueBall - use 3Dconnexions 3D pointer device (e.g. SpaceBall, SpaceMouse, etc.)
tS6 Compatible
Sale 4.X trueBones - 200 pre-BVH libraries & character meshes for character animation
tS6 Compatible
demo 4.3 trueDisplacement 1.10 - mesh deformation using hieght maps
Not Compatible with tS5
demo 5.X trueDisplacement 1.11 - mesh deformation using hieght maps
tS5 Compatible
Free Don't Know trueFloor - tiled floor creation
Free 5.1 Unselect - deselcts points without exiting Point Edit mode
Demo 4.3 u|v cow - manipulate mesh's UV-Space
tS5 Compatible
Demo 3.1 VertiLectric 1.0 - Creates Jagged Organic Patterns (lightning, trees, veins, neurons, & laserbeams)
Sale 5.1 virtuaout - exports scene for external rendering in VirtuaLight
Beta 3.1 ViewMaster .4a beta - Camera Positioner
Demo 3.1 Wave Generator 1.5 - Animatable Wave Shape Generator
Free 4.X WheelWright 1.01 - Automatic wheel turn
tS5 Compatible

A n i m a t i o n
E n v i r o n m e n t
VRML (VRML97 archives)
L i g h t
Candle light
Lights, Camera, Render!
Lights, Shadows and Feelings
List of Techniques
M a t e r i a l s
Getting Started With Surfacing
Good Enough to Eat
Jungle 2D & 3D (Painter, Paint Shop Pro)
More About Surfacing
M o d e l i n g
Creature Modeling tut #1
DUNE (10 tuts concluding in a montage in Photoshop) (French)
Get Primitive
List of Facial Animation Resources
Low-Polygon Modeling - Head (Nendo)
Macrosweep - useful for pipes, vines & snakes
Making Stairs (tS5)
MetaMuscles (tS5)
Modeling Like The Pros
Modeling, Modeling
NURBS Head Modeling (Softimage, Alias, Rhinoceros)
Orthographic Camera
Placing Text Around a Sphere
Planet Rings
Simple Star Trek Ship Tutorial 1 - Federation class
Simple Star Trek Ship Tutorial 3 - Klingon class
R e n d e r i n g
Radiosity tests
O t h e r s
3D Animation Workshop almost 70 lessons for 3D artists
3D Printer stereolithography
Extensive List of trueSpace Tips
Getting around in trueSpace 5 & 6 (beginners, learn how to navigate in tS)
21 part Introduction to trueSpace 3.2
tutorialfind - tutorial search engine

Shaders & MLBs
S h a d e r s - Native
Free 4.1 ANIME Shader 1.02a - Posterizes rendered images
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.1 Crumple 1.0 - for creating water or irregular surfaces
Free 4.1 Elements - Earth
Free 4.1 EdgeAlpha 1.10 - Transparent outline
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.1 EdgeColor 1.10 - The outline that color changes
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.1 EdgeReflect 1.10 - The outline that diffuse changes
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.2 Gradient - create multiple color & transparent gradients on surface materials (ships with shaderPack1)
Demo 4.1 IntrudeR 2.02
Free 4.1 MBACloudMarble (ships with shaderPack1)
Free 4.1 MegaGlow -Shines
Free 4.1 Planet - Update for 4.1
sale 4.3 reflects pro 1.1- Soft reflections (ships with shaderPack1)
Free 4.1 RefMap 1.00 - Reflection shader with image
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.1 Sandstorm 1.00 - Noise
tS5 Compatible
Demo 4.1 Shady 1.1.2 - 16 shaders (get patch for fxPack version)
Free 4.1 SoftReflect 1.00 - Dim reflection
tS5 Compatible
Free 4.1 Spots - Update for 4.1
Beta 4.2 TLF Bump 1.0 Beta 2
Beta 4.2 TLF Flame 1.0 Beta 7
Beta Don't Know Toon
sale 4.3 toonup pro 1.1 - Posterized rendering
Free 4.1 YAMANEKO Depth of Field (ships with shaderPack1)
sale 4.1 YAMANEKO Fresnel - Material library (MLB) included (ships with shaderPack1)
Free 4.1 YAMANEKO Noise - color/ transparency/ reflect/ displacement (with "Super Bump" displacement) (ships with shaderPack1)
Free 4.1 YAMANEKO Phong - many control parameter settings (ships with shaderPack1)
Free 4.1 Zrender - Rendering of profundity information
S h a d e r s - Shader Lab (1 & 2)
sale 4.3 (sL2) EclipsePack (3 shaders)
sale 4.3 (sL) Energy - Color/Transparency/Displacement
Free 4.3 (sL) EnergyShader-Abomination1 - Color/Transparency/Displacement
Demo 4.3 (sL2) Enhance:tS - 89 Procedural Shaders & 400 example material files
Free 4.3 (sL) Noise_Transparency
Free 4.3 (sL) Planet Clouds - procedural planetary cloud map (MLB)
Free 4.3 (sL) TMG CG Art free shaders for ShaderLab 1 (~40 Shaders) including: Bloom, Colour Reflectance, Displace Fade, Displace Transparency 2, Fog2, GemsNStones, Iridescence 2, Ring System, Shadow Catcher, TG Noise (part of SL2, SL2 users need not & should NOT download these)
Free 4.3 (sL2) Spline Turbulance (ships with rayPack)
Free 4.3 (sL2) Texture (ships with rayPack)
sale 4.3 (sL) TG Pack #1 - 5 shaders with variations (TG Virtual Light, TG Slope, TG HeatHaze, TG Particles2, TG StarField) & MLBs (sL2 patch)
sale 4.3 (sL) TG Pack #2 - 5 shaders with variations (TG Dusty / TG Dusty Texture, TG Blur Reflect, TG Glitter, TG Infinite Plane Cloud, TG Groovey Displace) & MLBs
sale 4.3 (sL) TG Pack #3 - 5 shaders with variations (TG Dusty / TG Dusty Texture, TG Blur Reflect, TG Glitter, TG Infinite Plane Cloud, TG Groovey Displace) & MLBs
Free 4.3 (sL2) TG Panorama / TG Env Map Reflect / TG Env Map Transmit - work with environment maps
sale 4.3 (sL) TG Toon Pack - A collection of 8 shaders cartoon rendering, allowing many varied effects!

* Note - (sL) refers to shaderLab, (sL2) refers to shaderLab2.

S h a d e r s - ShaderMagic (free)
4.3 Ambient - gives you a more realistic ambient effect
4.3 Ambient 2 - modified version of Ambient, control color of ambient/shadow effect, and also adds a bit of backlight.
4.3 Clip Map transparency - target a color in an image, and make it transparent
4.3 Causticolor - fake caustic effects
4.3 Digital Glazier - glass shader
4.3 Digital Glazier 2 - better Reflections, streamlined controls
4.3 Digital Glazier 3 - better Reflections, back opacity
4.3 Digital Glazier 4 - Incorporates the reflections from Dynamic Reflections. has new iridescent effect
4.3 Dynamic Reflection - reflects bright areas in scene more than dark areas. Better and faster than previous "Shiny" shaders
4.3 Fake Subsurface Scattering
4.3 Gold
4.3 GraphiCam - turns whole scene into stylized graphic art
4.3 HalftoneCam - Works on the principle of GraphiCam, nice halftone effects
4.3 Ink - ink outlines
4.3 Ink & Hatch - combination of Ink and Woodcut shaders
4.3 Ivory
4.3 Knot Wood - procedural wood. . . with knots!!! color & bump
4.3 Knotwood 2 - UV mapping to define grain direction
4.3 Lamp Shade - Allows 2 virtual light sources, recieve light and shadow from physical light sources. reflection and fake specular highlights
4.3 Lamp Shade 2 - 3 light sources, recieves light and shadow from actual lights, real specular highlights
4.3 Local Lights & Directional lights - Good for adding fill lighting without having unnecessary specular highlights. incorporates Dynamic Reflection
4.3 (ShaderMagic) Metallic2
4.3 Overshadow shadow-catching
4.3 Phog - distance and ground fog
4.3 Shiny - reflects the brighter areas more intensely than darker areas
4.3 Shiny 2 - better selectivity when filtering bright areas from dark ares
4.3 Silky Metal - silk/satin/all-purpose-metal
4.3 Silky Metal 2 - update
4.3 Simple Shiny - Bright Mirror, Dark Mirror, and overall Intensity
4.3 Stipple - stippling effect in both black and white, and color
4.3 Texture Tweaker & Texture Mixer - rotate, flip, perform color correction, can be used as a bump map or transparency map shader. combine two textures and either blend or mask them. rotate and flip/mirror image maps and mask individually.
4.3 Woodcut - Simulates woodcut print effect
4.3 Woodcut 2 - better crosshatching
4.3 Worn Brick
4.3 Worn Brick 3D
S h a d e r s - Simbiont tS
Demo 4.2 Simbiont TS - four integrated shaders: Color, Transparency, Reflectance, and Displacement (comes with more than 100 top quality material shaders) (works with DarkTree Textures) (ships with shaderPack1)
Free 5.0 Simbiont TS 2.0 - four integrated shaders: Color, Transparency, Reflectance, and Displacement (comes with more than 100 top quality material, 23 "primitive", and 5 specialty reflectance procedural shaders) (works with DarkTree Textures)

* Note - Information for creating shaders is available in the tS SDK
** Note - Shaders only work with tS 4.1 or later.

M L B s   &   M T L s
3.X Glass
Don't Know Gore
4.1 Graphtallica1
4.1 Graphtallica3
4.1 Graphtallica4
4.1 Graphtallica5
4.1 Graphtallica6
4.1 Graphtallica7
4.1 Hulls1
4.1 Hulls2
4.1 Hulls3
4.1 Hulls4
4.1 Hulls5
Don't Know Pat-txtr - textures
Don't Know Plantex - textures
Don't Know Scales
4.1 ShadyGound - for use with Shady
4.1 ShadyMetels - for use with Shady
Don't Know Skins
4.2 tiles
3.X Seamless Textures - requires Tom Marlin's "Seamless Textures You Can Really Use CD"

* Note - Material libraries created in tS4 will not open in tS3.
** Note - Material libraries created in tS2 & tS3 will open in tS4, not all settings translate to the new render engine.
*** Note - Material libraries created in tS4 will open in tS5. tS5 will convert them to the new MTL format.

Python Scripts
4.3 Mesher 4.3 & 5.1 versions
Don't Know Monty Python scripts
4.X Vertex2Sphere - makes "bubbly" models by creating a sphere at every vertex of a polygonal source model. Source model is preserved.

Caligari - The Mothership
Caligari Community Forums
Core Microsystems - Manufacturer of 3D, CAD Graphics & Digital Video NLE Workstations
IRC channel for TS
Channel: #truespace
Server: (or any of the Galaxynet servers)
Steinie's Helpful Links for Truespace - on the Caligari forums (most current list going)
trueSpace 4UM (ezboard)
tSDepot - Galleries, Tutorials, Downloads
trueSpace tSX Archive - Lots of "lost" free plugins
trueSpace Webring
VBtSX mailing list

Books & Video
trueSpace 2 Bible - Peter Plantec (out of print)
ISBN 1-56884-841-2
Caligari trueSpace2 3D Modeling Construction Kit - David Duberman (out of print)
ISBN 1-57169-029-8
Inside Truespace 4 - Frank A. Rivera (out of print)
ISBN 1562059572
trueSpace 3 & 4 Creature Creations - Bill Fleming, D. Fleming, B. Dobbs (out of print)
ISBN: 1-88680-180-0
Truespace F/X Creations - Nick Robalik (out of print)
ISBN: 1-58450-012-3
trueSpace3 for Dummies - E.W. Swan (out of print)
ISBN 0-76450-169-0

2D Plugins
Blur 'N' Feather Version 1.01

tSx Builders
S D K   &   S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Caligari's Developer's web page - tSX SDKs, SNC & COB specs, Python

Helper Apps
i-tex - Texture Designer/Generator
Leveller - create bitmaps for heightfields
OpenFX - free 3D modeler, animator, renderer
ShaderMan - visual Renderman shader building tool
Terragen - Landscape generator (for backgrounds)
TreeDo - Tree Generator (available as a tSX)
Universe - Deep space images for backgrounds
Unmesh 1.0 - Command-line surface peeler for .COB files
UVmapper - only imports OBJ models
VirtuaLight - render option for tS includes Caustics (requires output from virtuaout)
Wings3D - Open Source 3D modeler based on Nendo

Hardware & Drivers
C o d e c s   &   C o m p r e s s i o n
Codec-central - Audio & Video
D r i v e r s
H a r d w a r e   R e v i e w s   &   P r i c i n g
3D Concept
CPU Review - hardware reviews
Tom's Hardware Guide
Trish's Escape from Hardware Hell Computer Help
O v e r c l o c k i n g   &   T w e a k s
HardwareCentral - Overclocking
V e n d o r s
Creative Labs

* Special thanks to Robert DeArmon.

tSX Memorial
(Dead, Abandonware) Unfortunately, these are no longer available on the Net (that I am aware of).
Don't Know 3Distributor - distributes copies of elements in arrays
3.1 3D Energy 1.0 - Electrical Effect Objects
4.X 3-D Juice 1.2 - post-processing electricity effect generator
3.X Align eXtension - Aligns Objects
3.X A Little Primitive - trueSpace Primitives Panel
tS5 Compatible
4.3 AnimaCinima - Edit camera switches
4.X aniMeta
Don't Know AnimSave 1.0 - Saves each frame of an object's animation to individual .3ds binary files
Don't Know AniNoise+ - Adds animated vertex noise to the current mesh
3.X AnimDote 1.0
Don't Know Animo 1.00.2 - independently manipulate animation channel
3.1 Array it! - Multiple Copies of Objects
Don't Know ArrayWizard - Linear, Area, Volume, Radial, and Cascading arrays
tS5 Compatible
4.3 Art Director 4.0 - Materials Organizer
3.X AutoSave 1.3 - Auto save trueSpace scenes
4.3 Bam! - splits objects booleanly in random angles
3.1 Bitmap Primitives - Displacement modelling
4.1 Blend-O-Matic - Blend seperate meshes
3.2 BonyM Beta 003 - Internal Skeleton for models
4.X Browser 2.1 - browses lights and cameras
Don't Know BVHSkel 1.00.2 - parses BVH bone information & creates the skeleton
Don't Know camSwitch - Build camera list and switch between them
Don't Know Chirasu - ???? (Japanese)
4.X Cloth - fabric simulation
3.1 Choreographer 1.1 - function curve editor
Don't Know CleanIt - delete objects with regular expressions (recompled for 5)
4.X ClothMotion 1.21f - fabric simulation
5.X ClothMotion 1.21g - fabric simulation
4.3 ConstantPath - converts a path so that all the frames are equally spaced apart
tS5 Compatible
Don't Know CoolViewer 3.301 - view AVIs in trueSpace
Don't Know Cut & Paste - Capture Utility for Coordinate and Scale Data
tS5 Compatible
4.1 DeleteFace 1.01 - area selection of multiple polygons (function integrated into 4.2)
4.3 Distance Calculator 1.0 - calculates the distance between 2 objects
4.1 DynaWave - surface simulations of wakes, waves, trails
tS5 Compatible
3.X ExtraView Beta 1.1 - Rear, Right and Bottom views
3.1 Extruder tSX 1.1 - 2D Bitmap to 3D Surfaced Objects
3.X ExtraPrimitives 1.2 - Primitives generator
tS5 Compatible
3.X ExtraView Pro 1.1 - Rear, Right, Bottom, & Quick Camera views
3.1 EyeZoom 0.5 - Zoom in and out via a Rectangular Area Selection (unstable in tS4)
4.X EyeZoom 0.7 - Zoom in and out via a Rectangular Area Selection (free with tS4)
5.1 fabulousExpando 1.0 - shrink and grow objects by a precise amount
4.0 FacePro 2.0 - Character animation using vertex animation & IK
4.0 FacePro 3.0 - Character animation using vertex animation & IK
3.X Firepower
4.X FlatBeveler - Left-clicking bevels selected face by 90°, right-click bevels selected face by 45° (perfect for that one click solution to add detail to a control mesh for subdivision surface)
3.X FlammaLux v1.0 - creates keyframes to simulate flicker of fire light
3.1 Flare Effects 1.0 - tSX of 2D Lens Flare
Don't Know FloorPlane - precise plane drawing with the inputs of side lengths
Don't Know FullTextures - (Czech) Same as above
Don't Know FullTextures - Preview bitmap files in directories
3.1 Gaffer's Assistant 1.1 - Adjust Settings for Grouped Lights all at Once
Don't Know Gear Gen - generates gears & cogs
Don't Know Geo-Sphere Generator
4.3 GluePath - allows you glue two paths together to create a single pathtS5 Compatible
4.3 GunFire - create animations in which objects/projectiles are fired from a source object/weapon
tS5 Compatible
3.x HairPlug 1.3 - Creates Poliginal Hair, Fur, or Grass
3.X HideShow 1.1 - F12 Key Hides Windows and Tools
3.x Hold & Fetch - Creates "Snapshot" of Current SCN File
Don't Know HUD - (Heads-up Display) transparent region on workspace shows current object's properties
4.3 IKEffector 1.02 - Addition of IK-effector to skeleton and IK
4.3 Infinity 2 - infinite planes and spheres for background rendering (free with tS5)
tS5 Compatible
Don't Know InfoClone tSX - added save and retrieving functionality (formerly "Repositioner")
4.X JointMasterr 1.02 - Easy joint operation
4.3 Keygrid 1.1 - gives control over Move, Rotate, & Scale using Keyboard
tS6 Compatible
Don't Know KillAni 1.0 - remove the entire animation from an object/objects/entire scene in a couple of clicks
4.X Larry 3.2 - objects & object groups can be associated with a logical layer
3.1 Layery 1.0 - Show/Hide objects by user defined 'layers'
LightMaster - Lighting controls
3.1 Livewire 1.2 - Joystick input for motion
Don't Know Locator 1.0 - copy the location of a object, scale, and rotation
tS6 Compatible
Don't Know Lock - Locks current object
4.X Lockit 2.1 - verification of object's original properties
4.3 Luuv 1.1.2 - import and export of Wavefront .OBJ files and their corresponding .MTL files directly from trueSpace tS6 Compatible
4.3 MatMaster 1.00.2 - material management
Don't Know Magnetic 1.0 - Snap Objects with Bounding Boxes
4.3 Marvelous Motions - library of 31 Puppeteer-tSX Multiple Keyframe files (MKF), created from true Motion Capture data
tS5 Compatible
3.1 MeshForge 2.1 - Mesh Deformer update(free with 3.2)
3.1 MeshSize 1.5 - Calculate Volume & Rescale Polyhedral Objects
5.X MetaObjects - can create all platonic solids; their simple Archimedean derivatives & Geodesic spheres (included on dePak)
4.3 MMT#1 (Mattam's Modeling Toolkit 1) - 5 modeling tools
3.0 Mondo Magic - Sphere Script (Gee-Wiz)
3.2 Mondo's Revenge- Requires GL (Gee-Wiz)
4.X mapExporter - exports to the Torque game engine
3.1 MLB Pathfinder 1.0 - Repair Bogus Filenames in .MLB Files
5.X Motion Studio - character animation solution (multiple nails, loops, vertex-weighting, bone blending)
Don't Know MS Agent Plugin - invokes a MS Agent from within trueSpace
4.X MultiMorph 1.22 - Multi target morphing
3.X MultiRotate Beta 1 - rotates multiple objects at once
3.X Nailer - select boned/IK object and position nail easyly & accurately
tS5 Compatible
Don't Know Named Face Groups 1.1 - save face definitions
Don't Know noTOUCH - doesn't allow you to select an object that is marked as uneditable
Don't Know NullObj - creation of Null objects (recompled for 5)
3.X Obj2Vx 1.2 - (ObjectToVertexPlacement)
4.X ObjectAnimationEditor - advanced animation properties
3.1 Object Array Generator 5 - Copies Objects
Don't Know Object Frame Extractor 1.0
3.1 Object Library - Thumbnails for Managing your Object Collections
4.X ObjectMan 1.0 - preview & import objects (more than 30 3D formats)
Don't Know Object Move Copy - (Czech) Same as above
Don't Know Object Move Copy - Copy and move objects to precise distances
Don't Know Object Price List - (Czech) Same as above
Don't Know Object Price List - Object oriented pricing calculations
Don't Know Object Snap - (Czech) Same as above
Don't Know Object Snap - Alignment, finer control than tS's Magnetic tool
3.X ObjectBrowse - Debug trueSpace Objects (for developers)
3.1 Objectgenerator - Create and rotate objects
3.X ObjectLoader 1.3 - object previewer and loader
Don't Know ObjectPreview - (Czech) Same as above
Don't Know ObjectPreview - Preview objects and copy them to Ts3\objects directory
Don't Know Orbiter/Spiral - aids in animating objects orbiting other objects
3.1 PanCamera 1.1 - easily creates SmoothMove panorama pictures
3.X Particle Z 2 - Particle Generator
3.1 Paste - It 1.2 - Capture Utility for Coordinate and Scale Data
4.3 PathArray - create arrays of objects using paths
tS5 Compatible
4.1 Pathological - enhances Path Library
4.3 piArcBall Tool 1.1 - renders a black outline around object silhouettes
5.0 piAxisTool - snap the axes with one click
Don't Know Pica Pica 1.5 - transports Magpie frames directly into SpaceTime Morph
Don't Know piOutlineTool 1.0 - renders a black outline around object silhouettes
4.X piPanelTool - Hide/show tS interface panels
Don't Know piPrimitivesTool 1.0 - high resolution primitives
5.0 piSceneTool - like TrueView (with light properties & animation deletion controls)
4.X Pipeworks - Strutting and 2D polygon sweeping
Don't Know Plugin Bar 1.0 - Add up to 10 tSX icons to a tool bar
4.1 Plugin Pack 1.0> - Auto Saver, Anim-Attach, Click 'n Fetch 2, Object Replacer, Real-Time, Primitives
Don't Know Pøehrávaè Záznamù - (Czech) AVI and Wave Player
3.1 PopUpMenu 0.9.2 - first right click mouse menu for trueSpace
4.3 PolyLofter 1.2 - Loft/Skin a series of shapes into a form
4.3 PolyMirror - realtime mirror modeling on meshes
5.X PolyMirror 1.01 - realtime mirror modeling on meshes
5.X PolyTools - 17 plugins for polygon editing
4.0 Posnail - Move Nail of IK Group
3.1 PowerAnim - Translation and rotation of objects
3.1 PowerAnim Pro - Translation and rotation of objects
3.1 Primal Particles 1.7.1 - Particle Generator (free with 3.2)
tS5 Compatible
3.1 Primal Particles FX 1.0 - Advanced Particle Generator
3.X Primitives 1.0 Beta 1 - primitives panel with direct access to controls
3.1 PrimmiesGOLD 2 - Primitives Generator (no longer supported)
4.3 Puppeteer 2.6 - direct access to all the joints of any IK group object, manipulate with scroll bars tS6.5 Compatible
Don't Know pView2Cam 1.1 - creates camera at current view
5.1 Ray-Catcher - simulated caustics & light-emitting objects
3.1 RealCamera - "Real World" Camera Properties
Don't Know RenderAlert 2.0 - alert by e-mail and/or dialog box and/or play sound file when render is complete
4.1 RenderMate - Batch Scene Rendering
Don't Know Repositioner 1.2.2 (renamed InfoClone tSX)
3.X Round-it 1.0 - Rounded Cubes
4.1 Round & Soft - Rounded Surface from A Flat Face
4.3 SaveBut - save button for those who find it hard to use CTRL-S
Don't Know Scene Price List - (Czech) Same as above
Don't Know Scene Price List - Calculations of overall prices of objects in scene
4.X SceneDump 1.2 - Traverses a scene hierarchy and records in a text file
Don't Know Shakadelic - Vibrating Camera Moves
4.3 Simply Simetry - mirrors object surfaces
5.0 Simply Simetry 3 - mirrors object surfaces (free with tS5)
3.2 Sine-It - Sinusoidal Vertex Motion- Flags And Jello
Don't Know SJ Auto Render Save - It is faster render to the screen then render to a file, save rendered images to disk
Don't Know SJ Cut'n'Paste - left click = copy, right click = paste
Don't Know SJ Slicer - Plug-in inserts vertices in polyhedron edges, which are intersecting the ground plane (z=0). Vertices are not connected.
4.3 Skinitive Itch 1.1 - skinning (or lofting) tool
4.X SkinModifier 1.03 - Advanced bone deformation
4.X SnapIt - Bottom, back, & right views
3.1 SpaceTime Morph - Object Morphing Keyframer
3.2 Spotty - Create Keyframes with Specific Spotlight Ratio
3.X Springs 'n Things - Creates Coiled Objects
4.1 Sprinkle 1.01 - Random Copies of Objects in Volume
4.1 sprinklePro v1.0 - Random Copies of Objects in Volume (many added features)
4.3 strutEdge - creates geometry on edges of polygon's profile, supports NURBS as profiles
5.2 strutEdge - creates geometry on edges of polygon's profile, supports NURBS as profiles
4.3 Syncer - Syncs truespace with music
4.3 TextPath - allows you to create text that follows a path
tS5 Compatible
3.X TextureBin1.0 - - Browse / Edit / Apply Textures
3.1 The Material Generator 1.0 - Randomize Procedural Textures (free with 3.2)
3.1 ThermoClay II - Spline-like Model Smoother
Not Compatible with tS5 (superseded by functions in tS5)
3.1 ThermoClay III - Spline-like Model Smoother (finer controls)
Not Compatible with tS5 (superseded by functions in tS5)
4.1 TSUNAGE-KUN - ("Connect Master") object joining/merging/welding tool
3.X tSX Agent - Invokes MS Agent from Within tS
3.1 tSX Extender 1.3.1 - Extends Plug-in Palette
Don't Know tSX Extender 2.1 - Extends Plug-in Palette
4.1 trueCharacter - import Quake character models
tS6 Compatible
3.X trueConez 1.0 - Creates Proper Cones
4.3 trueConstraints 1.51 - Original IK + constraints of various kinds
5.X trueGrass - realtime landscape creation
Don't Know trueMenu 1.5 - Add tS favorite buttons to a tool bar
4.3 trueNote - attach development notes to objects
3.1 trueObject 1.0 - "Real-time" Primitives Manipulator
3.X trueObject Plus - Enhanced "Real-time" Primitives Manipulator
3.X trueObject Plus 2 - Enhanced "Real-time" Primitives Manipulator
4.3 trueParticles - professional-level particle system (information INFO@SISYPHUS.COM)
4.X truePose - Imports Poser models & animation
Don't Know trueScale - Accurately scales objects in two clicks
tS5 Compatible
4.X trueScape 2 - realtime landscape creation
4.X trueShell - tS Interface Enhancement
Don't Know trueSuite (three plugins)
PreProduction Viewer - Preview sounds, videos and animations
trueMem - Monitor tS memory usage
Image Viewer - view JPEGs, Icons, GIFs and Bitmaps inside tS
3.2 trueSoft 1.0 - Precision Object Smoother
3.X trueTexture 1.2 - Precision Texture Mapping
3.1 trueView extension ver 1.5 - updated version of trueView, which came with tS3
Don't Know trueTiles - (Czech) Floor and wall tiles
5.X trueX - expanded X export functions
4.0 TrU-V 2 - precision textur map tool
5.X tSNet 2.5.1 - Render farming
3.0 tSxtruder 1.0 - Extrude Solid Heightfield objects from TGA File
3.1 Unwrapper 1.1 - Generates a Map with Outlines for every Polygon
3.X Unwrapped UV Editor - Generates a Map with Outlines for every Polygon
Don't Know Utility Pack 1.7 - Click 'n Fetch, trueSaver, Select-It
3.1 UVRip 1.05 - UV Map extractor
3.2 UvTweak 2.0 - Change the scale or position of a mesh's UV-Space
5.0 UvTweak 2.5 - Change the scale or position of a mesh's UV-Space, includes UV map extractor (free with tS5)
4.0 vcBlu - automatically converts 3D models into vcTek machines ready for animation
Don't Know VC Copy & Paste - cut and paste objects between scenes
5.1 vcCut 151 - slices trueSpace objects
Don't Know vcCopy - cut and paste objects between scenes
5.X vcTek Developer - build & fully animate wheeled & tracked vehicles as well as machinery like chain and belt drives, gearboxes
5.X vcTNT - physically correct simulations of real life explosions
3.2 vFog 1.2.01 - Fog Effects (3.1 & 3.2 only, 4.1 compatibility in work)
4.3 vFog 2.0 - Fog effects, great for creating ground level fog for landscape scenes
3.1 Video Previewer 3.0 - Preview AVIs (Products)
4.3 ViewTool - Cut/Paste/Load/save/Create Camera
tS5 Compatible
3.X Waves - Static Wave Shape Generator
3.1 Wheeler V1.0 - Adjusts rotation of wheels to distance traveled
3.x Wipe- Easy Object Repitition Deletor
3.X WSNH (Work Smarter Not Harder) - Primitives Panel
Don't Know WiredForSound - Sound activated object Control
5.X Zurashi-Kun - creates a shell from a solid object
3.X ysShell 1.1 - creates a shell from a solid object